Friday, 22 August 2014

Behind the scenes #shortvacay #friendsforlife


I am so carried away bout what we had the other day so i insist to write it out. It's so memorable i'm gonna die (ps: it's so fluffy i'm gonna die) hehehe.

Our friend (mimi and i) all the way from Kedah mai kl melawat kami nak pi jalan jalan uih syoknya tudia! So we had a particular plan on that but the plan was a bit tunggang langgang i don't even know why i mean it's me and mimi, we both like doing crazy things yknow and we just like whatever we just go anywhere we go and we do whatever we wanna do. *double winks*

As a warming up, we went cycling at Taman Botani, Putrajaya. I would say i had a very healthy morning on that day. It's very rare to see myself being productive. Ceh ceh.

But but... people go cycling wearing sport attire and there was this weird girl wearing whatever she wants because it's #typicalsyafira 

Wohoo let's go cycling but firrrst let us take a selfie (possible dialogue i suppose) 

Jemah of the day 

Just about to sweat, we saw this beautiful spot called Astaka Morocco. And i berangan as if i was in Rome something liddat. Because the place is seriously magnificent. 

I was like membebel asking for #ootd kind of shots. Yes #typicalsyafira

And she never gets enough...

Eventhough all the shots tak menjadi...

Effortlessly beautiful she is, she doesn't have to try to look good while i was there like...

Told ya, she never gets enough... *facepalm*

Tak, i bukan hesitate to hug her tapi hugging wasn't my style, i don't even hug my mommy.. I mean do you see how much i'm not into cheesy stuffs? Ok, i wanted to hug her but it's errr pelik, that's it. 

The place wasn't that big but i've already pancit. Kat rumah makan tidur je -.- 

Next destination *drumrolls* Somewhere cold, folded with clouds. *insert an audio of whatever screams be ever* 

We were in New Zealand! *extreme screams you've ever heard*

Looook! Got horsie! Does horsie live well in new zealand? 

She keeps herself busy taking nature pitures (katanya) 

No syafira no, don't look at the camera. Do some pretty poses, not looking here. 

Okay, but not that much...

Hm okay, that would be good. Still, not a pretty pose. 

No no no! Omg what are you doing that's not a pretty pose, not even close. Ughh whatever. Suit yourself. 

The clouds were amaaazing. MasyaAllah SubhanAllah, i couldn't even *choke* It's too chantek! 

Still busy taking pictures of super blooming flowers, didn't even bother about others. Yes she was. (eh ada bendera malaysia lah)
Just when any camera is ready to capture, that 'peace' sign will always appear out of nowhere. Oh whyyy syafira why -.- 

Oh yeap, it wasn't new zealand. It's just... Fraser Hill. Like, whatever *fliphair* 

We went back to kl around 4pm and headed to PickNik, Publika as habib was deathly craving for it. But it was on his treat (omg thank you!). The thing is, i didn't ask enough pocket money from my parents (don't know was it a bad or good thing). After we sent mimi home since her place is quite creepy, i decided to send habib back at Cheras, his cousin's crib, and how foolish i am for not having my phone fully charged, without bringing any powerbank or charger, and the worst of all it was we sesat and had no enough money for tolls. Why you're like this, self? :( Thank goodness, habib's cousin gave me a simple directions heading back to Klang. Luckily i was with my sister, at least i got a companion. Reached home at 2am at last. Such a looooong day, wasn't it? Yeah. But it was fun. Hehe.

Nevertheless, that was a great trip! Probably one of the most awesome trip ever in my life. Truth is, i rarely get any chance to go on any vacation nowadays. To have this little time with little group of best people to go to little place is such a humble way of showing them and myself too, how meaningful this life really is. I am grateful. Yes, couldn't ask for more :')

P/s Why is it too many my pictures instead of mimi's or habib's, while in fact it's somebody else's camera? Because i gila glamer & tak tahu malu. So be it, bye! Hahahahahahahahaha 

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